CALL FOR BOOKINGS: +91 93237 08809
I am very grateful to Sanjay, Astrid And Sunith for their kindness, openness and for sharing this wonderful and fun gift of flight. Until we meet again Ill leave you with an old Irish blessing –
"May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May sunshine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of her Hand"
To the sound of silence and
star gazing at night
I am going to miss you
all the time
To the very special moments
and spotting the pink butterfly
I will treasure you
all my life
I am just back from
a trip to paradise
and now I wonder, why? "
We are, what we call, ‘regulars’ – visiting them once every 2 months at least. It is home in many ways – and holds all the essential ingredients of ‘home’ – Sanjay’s barbecue, the home-cooked food, cozy corners designed by Astrid, a lovely vegetable garden, the leisurely pace & the hospitality… all that home can conjure in the minds of anyone who is weary and has been away from home for long. We love you both and love the entire world that you have painstakingly created at the Native Place… thank you for embracing us into the fold!